Septic Systems

We are certified bonded septic system installers for most counties in central Ohio let us do all the work for you.
Your local county or city health district is the first place to contact if you want to install a new sewage treatment system (STS), or alter, replace or abandon your existing sewage system. Local health districts will work with you to ensure a comprehensive review of your system, property and water use to determine the best solutions for proper wastewater treatment for your home, or to determine the correct repair of a malfunctioning system. Some local health districts offer the full range of services from site and soil evaluation to system design (depending on the system complexity required). A permit to install or alter a system must be obtained from the local health district before beginning any construction or repair activities on a system.
Steps for Constructing a New Sewage Treatment System
Contact your local health district for specific information on STS permitting or when beginning to plan for land development with a STS. Local health district staff will visit your site to begin the initial site evaluation process.
Obtain a site and soil evaluation. The natural soil is the most commonly used media for final treatment of sewage effluent from a home. A complete evaluation of the soil on the property is needed to determine how much usable soil (thickness) is present and where it is located. Other site conditions must also be determined such as slope, topography and the location of nearby water sources and drinking water supplies. Some local health districts provide site and soil evaluation services. These services are also available from many private companies and local health districts can provide a list of experts that provide these services.
Work with a sewage treatment system designer to evaluate the different system types available for your lot. Most lots can accommodate more than one system design. Homeowners should carefully evaluate all system costs including installation, long-term operation and maintenance requirements and service contract costs before making a final system decision. Please refer to the list of STS types on the page below.
Obtain quotes and bids from registered STS contractors. Local health districts can provide a list of locally registered STS contractors. Some local health districts require bonding of contractors. Always obtain a written contract and fully discuss all steps of the construction process and services the contractor will provide. Once a contractor is selected and work on your system begins, try to observe as much of the construction process as possible, and even document the installation with pictures.
The local health district will perform a final inspection of your system and approve or disapprove the installation. If installations problems occur, work with the system contractor and your local health district to resolve installation issues. Your local health district’s role is to ensure proper system installation that protects your investment in your STS and public health and prevents disease.
Proper operation and maintenance of your new STS is essential to ensure the system works, does not create odors or other nuisance conditions and prevents exposure to sewage effluent. Depending on the complexity of your system, a service contract may be required. Proper operation and maintenance of your system protects the investment you have made in your property and your system.